Andy's Presets and
Image Packs
Not just another preset pack. Andy Hornby has developed his presets to be used specifically when you need them. No longer will you scroll through a list blindly. You'll know what to use and when. Landscape presets are time coded, so you will use them depending on the time of day you shot your image. The portrait presets are designed to be used depending on the type of shoot you had, or the look you want. Easy and efficient.
Andy's Sky Replacement Bundle is a huge collection of skies and overlays that will set your images apart. Andy has spent years collecting and categorizing these images and this pack will be all you will ever need.
Take advantage of up to 86% OFF these downloadable purchases.
Personal Mentorship
Andy Hornby's Landscape Photography Academy is not your traditional online course. It’s also a Mentorship, providing personal feedback crafted specifically for you and no one else.
With each assignment that you complete, you will receive a personalised feedback video to help you push your Photography even further. By the time you go through the entire course you will have received hours of personal feedback. Content that is crafted specifically for you and your progress.
Choose your option below. For more information go to the Main Academy Page.